Singing Guide: Marshmello & Kane Brown

Singing Guide: Marshmello & Kane Brown

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you're a fan of country pop and electronic dance music, you might be interested in improving your singing skills by taking inspiration from Marshmello and Kane Brown. While the two artists come from different genres, they both have a distinct vocal style and natural talent that can be emulated with the right techniques.

Kane Brown has a smooth and mellow voice, often characterized as a mix of R&B and country. Some of his best-known songs include "Homesick," "What Ifs," and "Good as You." Marshmello, on the other hand, is a DJ and producer who often collaborates with different singers in the pop and EDM scene. He has a high-pitched, almost whimsical singing voice, which is best showcased in tracks like "Happier," "Alone," and "Friends."

If you want to learn to sing like Kane Brown and Marshmello, here are a few tips on how to improve your vocal skills and find your unique style.

  • Know Your Range: Both Kane Brown and Marshmello have unique vocal ranges, and while you may not be able to hit the same high notes as Marshmello or the same low notes as Kane Brown, you can still develop your vocal range to match their style. Use the Singing Carrots vocal range test to identify your vocal range, then listen carefully to Kane Brown and Marshmello's songs to see where their voice lies.
  • Practice Good Breathing: Before embarking on any singing lessons, it's important to understand the basics of breathing. Good breathing technique is essential for control and power in your vocals. Use the Singing Carrots breathing basics article to understand the differences between active and passive breathing, and how to use your breath to remain relaxed and in control while singing.
  • Vocal Exercises: To really perfect your singing and emulate Kane Brown and Marshmello's vocal style, you need to regularly practice vocal exercises. Using Singing Carrots's resources, practice belting, vocal fry, mix voice, or heavy modal technique using skill-related videos and practice warm-ups.
  • Bring Emotion Into Your Performance: Marshmello and Kane Brown are both known for their emotive singing, and it's important to convey emotion in your own performances. It can be challenging to communicate feeling through singing, but with Singing Carrots's tips on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article, artists can channel emotions into their performance.
  • Learn Key Songs: To help you identify and emulate Kane Brown and Marshmello's vocal style, it can be helpful to dissect some of their biggest hits. Focus on the vocal dynamics, breathing techniques, and overall style used in hit songs like "Happier," "Alone," "What Ifs," and "Heaven."
  • Take the Singing Course: For a more in-depth look at singing techniques, rhythm, and music theory, consider signing up for the Singing Carrots educational singing course. The course features 21 lessons that cover everything from basic singing theory to practical tips and techniques that will help you learn to sing like Kane Brown and Marshmello.

By using Singing Carrots's resources and incorporating these tips into your own practice sessions, you'll be well on your way to emulating the vocal stylings of Kane Brown and Marshmello. Whether you dream of being a country pop star or electronic dance artist, improving your singing skills is essential to becoming a great musician.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.